Giving up alcohol is undoubtedly one of the hardest things a person can do, which is why it is vital to have support. However, that being said, many people try to do it by themselves and so I wanted to provide some advice for those wanting to go it, and manage the alcohol withdrawal symptoms alone.
Firstly, identify the times when you are most inclined to have a drink. For many people, this will be after work and so it can be helpful to come up with something else to do during this time (which, incidentally, is why most AA meetings take place at this time). If AA is not an option being considered, other activities such as joining the gym or taking an evening class may help.
Another suggestion a lot of alcohol counsellors make is to keep an alcohol diary. It is vital that the diary is filled in honestly in order to get an idea of any patterns or triggers which may be increasing the drinking.
If the person is drinking heavily, it is important not to stop drinking completely straight away. This can lead to alcohol withdrawal symptoms which can include sweating, shaking, vomiting, hallucinations or at the extreme end of the scale, withdrawal seizures. If the person will not consider a medicated detox, it is vital that they cut down extremely gradually, usually by no more than a few units. It is a good idea to tip out that amount before you beginning drinking and throw it away, that way it is not possible to drink it should willpower falter later down the line.
It is also important to keep hydrated and take vitamin supplements. Heavy alcohol addiction can have a detrimental effect on the brain’s ability to absorb vitamins and so it is helpful to increase the levels as much as possible; vitamin B is particularly helpful for its repair qualities.
None of the above tips guarantee success, however this can be a useful tool for the person even if it does not work. At least at that point they have tried and are likely to have realised that they need additional support. If you wish to discuss the support options available in your area, get in touch.