Alcoholism is an addiction that affects a person’s actions and behaviour. It is an illness that does not occur overnight, and it is not something that someone chooses in the same way they do not choose to have the flu, a stroke or a heart attack. Alcohol addiction requires treatment just as other illnesses do. There is always the risk of relapse and the person with the addiction must work hard to maintain his or her sobriety.
It is not easy to quit drinking once you have become addicted but, with the right treatment and support, it can be done. However, for some, the hardest part is actually admitting that there is a problem in the first place.
Admitting the Problem Exists
A common trait among addicts is not realising that they have a serious addiction. Those with alcoholism will know that they like to have a drink but many would not admit that they need to drink. They often believe that they can stop drinking at any time and will tell loved ones that they could stop if they wanted to.
Some may be aware that their drinking has become a problem but are scared to quit. They may have tried to go without a drink for a while before, but finding it very tough. They may be faced with comments from loved ones telling them to ‘just stop’. Nevertheless, if it were that easy to just stop, there would be no addicts in the world. Those with no experience of addiction often believe it is a case of simply quitting and that is the end of the problem. Nonetheless, those who have been affected by addiction know that this could not be further from the truth.
Many addicts find it easier to tell others that they do not have a problem than to try to quit. It is easier to blame other people for their drinking or to find excuses as to why they cannot quit at the moment. However, those who continue drinking will damage their relationships and their health.
Dangers of Alcoholism
There are many reasons to stop drinking and they far outweigh the reasons for continuing to drink. Alcohol is a chemical substance and there is no safe limit for alcohol consumption in terms of the risk of developing certain illnesses.
Nevertheless, those who drink more than the recommended daily limits for alcohol are in danger of developing alcohol-related health issues including liver disease, high blood pressure, and cancers of the neck, throat and mouth.
Alcoholism can cause irregular sleeping patterns, problems with sex life and can increase the chances of being injured in an accident.
Fear of Recovery
If you are an alcoholic, the fear of rehabilitation may be putting you off getting help. You may have found it difficult to quit in the past and might have heard stories about how unpleasant withdrawal symptoms are.
The truth is that it is tough to give up drinking, but it is not impossible. Your body has become dependent on alcohol and will crave it once it is no longer getting it. Nonetheless, there are many fantastic treatment centres all over the country at which safe detoxification is offered. At these centres, you will be medically supervised and you may be given medication to ease the symptoms.
It is natural to be fearful of the unknown, but what is the worst that could happen? You may experience some unpleasant side effects but you could have the chance of living the rest of your life free from addiction. If you truly want to get sober then now is the time to make the change and commit to a life of recovery. Contact Addiction Helper today for advice and support on taking the next step.