Behavioural signs and symptoms of drug use
It is important to remember that many of these signs may simply be normal signs of adolescence or may be due to some other cause rather than drug use. Therefore, it would be wise to speak to us before reaching conclusions.
• Marked and uncharacteristic mood swings.
• Truancy and lateness for school, college, work etc.
• Deterioration in personal hygiene and dress.
• Covering suspicious behaviour by lying, being vague etc.
• Unusual conflict with authority figures.
• Sudden and marked change of habits.
• Loss of purpose in life.
• Lack of motivation or goals.
• Excessive borrowing of money.
• Stealing from family friends, schools, shops, work etc.
• Selling of own property with little or nothing to show for it.
• Furtive telephone calls and use of drug slang.
• Many short visits from new or older friends and many short excursions away from home.
• Wearing dark glasses, even in dull weather.
• Short term memory loss and deterioration in performance.
• Loss of concentration and co-ordination.
• Poor appetite, weight loss or eating binges.
• Suffering a succession of colds and episodes of flu which may persist for an unusually long time.
• Depression, shyness and poor self-image.
• Spending time away from home, usually overnight.
• Excessive sleeping, usually after time away from home.
• Drunken behaviour and slurred speech.
From: Understanding street drugs, 2nd edition. David Emmett and Graham Nice.
If you need advice about and drug addiction or to find out how to get treatment, contact us today on freephone 0800 44 88 688 or text HELP to 66777.