An addiction to crack cocaine means that the person addicted to the drug will do almost anything they have to do to get it. Crack cocaine addiction is a large problem in today’s society. It is a problem that is suffered by people in all walks of life, from the rich to the poor and everyone in between.
Crack is a form of cocaine that has been chemically processed to remove the hydrochloride, which is a chemical found in cocaine. Removing the hydrochloride creates crack, or freebase cocaine, which is a much more potent version of the drug than regular cocaine. In this state, the drug snaps and cracks when it is smoked – hence the name, crack. The way in which this form of cocaine is used is referred to as freebasing.
There was a time during the 1970s when cocaine was considered a status drug due to the fact that it was very expensive. Over the years, less expensive versions of the drug have been created, providing increased accessibility; the least expensive form of cocaine is crack. For this reason, crack has become the drug of choice for many users. It is particularly popular with inner city youth.
The wide availability, convenience, low cost and ease of concealment has also made crack a preferred choice amongst hard-core drug users; crack is easy to consume in that it is smoked rather than injected. It is estimated that an average ‘rock’ of crack contains between 75 and 90 per cent pure cocaine.
Dealing with crack cocaine addiction can be devastating to both the addict and their family and friends, and in most cases will require professional intervention.Crack is considered to be one of the most addictive substances ever created.