Heroin Addiction

Are you worried that you or someone close to you suffers from a heroin addiction? If so, help is at hand. Here, we tell you all about Heroin: addiction to Heroin, the effects of Heroin, the statistics on Heroin related deaths, the dangers, the signs and symptoms of a Heroin addict, the effects of withdrawal, the associated paraphernalia, and most importantly, how we can help you or your loved one to access the best treatment possible for a Heroin detox and rehabilitation programme and what the options are that are available on the NHS.

Addiction Helper have helped well over 10,000 individuals worldwide to access the correct support and treatment for their individual addiction and circumstances. We can help you find the perfect private rehab package in the UK and overseas. We can also advise on what your free treatment options are locally and also help for the family. We are experts in treating addiction and are the leading authority on rehab treatment options in the UK.

If you or a loved one are struggling with a Heroin addiction, please call us or chat to us LIVE online now for immediate, help, advice and support. We can show you the way forward to breaking free from Heroin addiction permanently!

What Is Heroin?

Heroin is a Class A illegal substance and a very powerful narcotic. It produces a very intense euphoric feeling in the user and is dangerously addictive. Heroin is responsible for many deaths through overdosing in the UK and also worldwide. It can create a physical dependence in the user within as little as 3 to 5 days of daily use. The withdrawal symptoms are so severe and uncomfortable, that the only way to relieve them is to take more Heroin, this is how addiction to heroin can very quickly escalate.

Over time the user becomes tolerant to the initial amounts they were taking, so in order to gain the same euphoric high they take more and more, or resort to alternative methods of administration, i.e. progressing from smoking to injecting. Many heroin addicts will tell you that they were hooked from the first or second time they smoked it; they recall the euphoria they felt with clarity and chase that feeling constantly, no matter what the cost to them financially, physically, morally, mentally, emotionally or socially.

heroin in powder photo

Processed from morphine, Heroin is a very potent substance extracted from the seed pod of poppy plants. It is fast acting and has powerful analgesic and relaxing effects. Heroin slows down the bodies functions and substantially reduces physical and psychological pain. Users tend to get a rush within seconds of taking it, depending on how they take it. A small dose will produce a feeling of wellbeing; larger doses make the user feel very relaxed and euphoric. Their cares and worries melt away as the drug takes effect. Heroin can be ingested in various ways; commonly it is smoked or injected but can also be snorted and added to liquid as a drink.

Alternative names for Heroin include Smack, Scag, Big H, Gear, Brown, Dark, B’s and Black Tar. Different areas of the country will often have their own term for it.

Addiction to Heroin

Typically, heroin users are seen as down and outs, the lowest of the low; they are seen as individuals who will resort to stealing from their own families slender purses; who will use, abuse and manipulate to get the funds for their next fix and are in and out of jails for heroin related crimes. To an extent this can be true, but it is also true for many other addictions, not just Heroin. The first thing to realise is that Heroin is just a symptom of an untreated disease – the disease of addiction.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as a, “chronic relapsing brain disease”. Many specialists in treating addiction, scientists and medical experts agree with this definition. How could an individual possibly choose to sink to such extremes? To hurt those that they love? To become someone that they hate? To risk their life on a daily basis? To wish for an end to the constant pull of Heroin?

If addiction was a choice, surely the individual would choose to stop? Yet despite breakdowns in relationships and families, lost jobs, health warnings, attempting various methods of control or stopping….the addict continues in their downward spiral of self-annihilation and harm to others. Addiction is a life threatening disease, no matter what substance or self-destructive behaviour is involved. Eventually, it strips the individual of all confidence, self-worth and love; taking them to a place of isolation and numbness where they wish for the end.

The Effects of Heroin

When an individual first starts taking Heroin, the euphoric effects will be intense and last for hours. When taken in large amounts of where they have built little tolerance, in addition to the euphoria, they will become much sedated and enter into zombie like state, often referred to as “gouching”. They are unlikely to eat or wash whilst intoxicated and will slip in and out of consciousness, losing all perspective of time and awareness of what is going on around them. Many users liken the effects of Heroin to being wrapped in a warm cushion of love, safe and protected, where they experience no physical or emotional pain. The reality is very, very different. They are prone to self-neglect, malnutrition, neglect of others (including their own children) major health complications and sudden death by overdose.

Heroin has a very powerful effect on the brain; its floods the user’s brain with high amounts of Dopamine.  Dopamine is the naturally occurring organic chemical in the brain that regulates emotions and produces feelings of happiness, motivation, contentment and ease. In high levels it produces feelings of intense euphoria; it is this feeling that Heroin addicts crave, which is the same as with any other substance or process addiction. The more they indulge in the addiction, the more tolerant they become to the levels of Dopamine produced; so to gain the same euphoric effects, they take larger and larger amounts of Heroin. Over time, the brain’s neurological pathways alter to feed the addiction. Once this has happened, they then become hardwired to seek Dopamine through the addiction that for them produces the most feelings of euphoria, in this case Heroin. They literally become powerless over their thoughts, obsessions, compulsions and actions. Addiction is a progressive brain disease and this is why those that are addicted to alcohol drugs or destructive behaviours, can’t just quit. They are compelled to use, regardless of mounting consequences and harm to themselves and to others.

the science of drug abuse graph

How Addictive Is Heroin?

Research has repeatedly shown, that in terms of euphoria, psychological and physical dependence, Heroin is the most addictive drug that is commonly abused. As you can see from the image below of the 10 most addictive drugs, Cocaine and Heroin are very similar in its effects on the brain in terms of pleasure and psychological dependence, but Heroin holds a greater potential above all drugs for a physical dependence developing. The statistics were taken from “The Lancet” which is the UK’s number one scientific research and medical journal. As previously touched on, Heroin holds a great potential for a physical dependence to develop. Withdrawal from a physical Heroin dependence is very unpleasant, intense and uncomfortable; it is this that drives many individuals to carry on using even when they really want to stop. It is also recognised for its intense euphoric effects, which the brain latches onto during euphoric recall.

Heroin and Fentanyl Addiction and Abuse in the UK

Previously Fentanyl addiction has been most prevalent in the US, Mexico and Canada, with so called “drugs lords” realising its potential for huge profit in cutting it with Heroin. However, over the recent months it has reached the UK. Previously it has reached Ireland also and resulted in many deaths. Fentanyl is up to 100 times stronger than Morphine and Heroin. Heroin cut with Fentanyl has caused an alarming number of deaths in the UK within a very short space of time, especially in the North, West and South Yorkshire areas in recent months; with six deaths being recorded over the Easter weekend of 2017 and 60 plus deaths from January 2017 to July 2017. It has now spread to North East England and the Midlands. Police have seized many batches of Heroin from homemade laboratories and from dealers in these areas that have been found to be contaminated with Fentanyl. Due to Fentanyl’s potency, heroin dealers are cutting heroin with it to make more money and get users more physically dependent. Many Heroin users are unaware of this, especially those that have not used for a while, or are trying it for the first time, and so take Heroin laced with Fentanyl believing it to be pure Heroin. For those not previously exposed to Fentanyl, it can result in immediate overdose and death. If they do survive, they are likely to become heavily dependent on the combination of both drugs. Even the tiniest amount added to Heroin can be lethal to an individual who has no tolerance to Fentanyl. Heroin, when combined with Fentanyl, rapidly deteriorates the user and is extremely difficult and dangerous to withdraw from.

10 most addictive drugs graph

UK and National Overdose Death Statistics Related to Heroin

Recent reports released from Public Health England and the Office for National Statistics found that in 2016, 80% of drug related deaths were due to opiates, and that the number of Heroin related deaths were the highest seen in many years. This is thought to be partly due to the aging process and increased vulnerability of heroin users. The vast majority of whom are male and middle aged.

national overdose statistics uk graph

National Overdose Deaths—Number of Deaths from Heroin. The figure above is a bar chart showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving heroin from 2002 to 2015. The chart is overlain by a line graph showing the number of deaths of females and males. From 2002 to 2015 there was a 6.2-fold increase in the total number of deaths.


It is not just the US that hold the highest overdose death rates being attributed to Heroin, it is pretty much the same story around the world, including the UK:

The number of drug misuse deaths registered every year have generally been on a rising trend in The UK for the past 20 years and, following significant increases in the last three years, have reached the highest figure on record. There were 2,300 drug misuse deaths registered in England in 2015, this is an increase of 8.5% on the previous year.

With the introduction of Fentanyl into the Heroin market, it is likely that this figure could rise yet again this year

The Short Term and Long Term Effects of Heroin Addiction

As Heroin addiction progresses, its effects become more pronounced in the individual’s body and mind. The short term risks are mainly overdose and the possibility of it leading to a physical dependence. The long terms effects are far more obvious externally to others. As the drug literally ravishes the user’s body and mind. The longer that they use it for the more damage is caused. This can lead to all kinds of life threatening complications. For those that intravenously inject, the risks of health related complications developing are far higher. They are also at far higher risk of contracting a blood borne virus such as HIV and Hepatitis C.

Public Health England estimate that in 2016 there were 214,000 individuals nationally infected with the Hepatitis C virus. This is a vast number and shows the extent of the problem. Local Drug and alcohol teams promote safer injecting and harm reduction by operating needle exchanges and harm minimisation groups. IV users can access sterilised new IV associated paraphernalia, including needles, disposal bins and citrus packs (used to break down heroin so it can be prepared for injection) by visiting their local drug and alcohol team or needle exchange. Their details are kept confidential and they do not have to leave any information if they do not wish to do so. This encourages intravenous heroin users to be more aware of the risks involved through injecting, and also provides access to free clean works (a term used for heroin associated paraphernalia)

Below is an image that demonstrates both the short term and long term effects on a heroin user’s body and brain:

effects of heroin image

The Functioning Heroin Addict

Not all Heroin addicts end up a physical and emotional mess, broken and living on the streets and resorting to crime to feed their addiction; although this is still a “yet” for many that are maintaining a heroin habit and a level of functionality. For some, the term functioning addict is used to describe those that still have an element of control and manageability in their lives. Materialistically, they may still have everything a person could possibly desire, a good job, a nice home, car, family and social life. They may be occasional users, or using only just enough to keep them at a functioning and non-withdrawing level. They may even have a dependency, but they manage that dependency without consequences to themselves or others. Most addicts will go through a period, whereby they have some control of their substance use, and not everyone who uses alcohol or drugs is an addict.

Some individuals that use Heroin can exercise control and willpower, some can choose to moderate or stop. But for an individual suffering with the disease of addiction, bodily and mentally they react very differently to alcohol and drugs. Their substance use will gain in momentum, as will the consequences to themselves and to others. An addict will rarely be in control for very long.

Using Paraphernalia for Heroin

If you have a loved one, family member or friend who you suspect may be using Heroin, finding paraphernalia used to administer the drug may give you the confidence and evidence needed to confront them about it. Addicts are very clever at covering their tracks – they have to be, so that they can continue in their addiction without being questioned or challenged. However, most addicts, once they have lost all control of their using and a grip on reality, will become careless and show more and more signs of their spiralling addiction to Heroin. The paraphernalia the individual uses can vary and will depend on whether they are smoking, snorting or injecting Heroin.

Paraphernalia for smoking Heroin includes:

  • Cellophane wraps of heroin
  • Clear plastic small bags, folded cardboard, wrapped tinfoil, deflated balloons (used to store or buy or sell the drug)
  • Light bulbs with the workings removed
  • Pipes
  • Hollowed out pens
  • Folded lines of tinfoil: the heroin in placed on the foil and heated from underneath, the user then inhales through a hollowed out tube like device, this is what is referred to as “chasing the dragon”
  • Cans or bottles with holes in
  • Glass pipes with bulbous end

person using heroin

Paraphernalia for injecting Heroin includes:

  • Needles
  • Spoons, usually bent at an angle with scorch marks on the underside, this is how the drug is heated
  • Citrus, Vit C packs, or lemon (used to break down the Heroin for injecting)
  • Tourniquets such as belts, ropes or ties
  • Clear plastic small bags, folded cardboard, wrapped tinfoil, deflated balloons (used to store or buy or sell the drug)

Heroin can also be added to drinks, snorted and also added to tobacco and rolled for smoking. Paraphernalia used for smoking or and injecting will usually have a sooty or black/brown/yellow residue on them. This is a giveaway in terms of that they are using these items for purposes other than they are intended for.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction?

Aside from finding drug related paraphernalia relating to Heroin, there will be other signs that will be hard for an addict to hide for very long. If you are worried a family member or loved one may be using Heroin, it is helpful to be educated on the facts. Heroin ravishes the body and mind, so any marked change in the individual should not be ignored. By ignoring the problem, you are allowing them to continue in their using. Confronting a loved one can be frightening, but it may be the jolt they need to face reality and seek some help.

Signs to look out for in the body of a heroin addict:

  • Weight loss, sometimes in the extreme
  • Pinched or gaunt look to their face
  • Track marks on arms and legs
  • Abscesses
  • Grey / pale skin
  • Poor hygiene
  • Sooty fingers, residue and prints left on walls and things the user has touched after using
  • Cellulitis in limbs
  • Malnutrition
  • Lethargy
  • Slurred, slowed, delayed, speech
  • Pin prick pupils (constricted)
  • Red, eyes
  • Emotionless
  • Unable to feel physical pain
  • Sleepiness / nodding
  • Scratching
  • Runny nose
  • Slowed or shallow breathing

Addiction Helper suggests that if you do confront an individual over suspected Heroin use, that you arm yourself with the facts of their addiction first; that you speak to them in an approachable manner, stick to the facts and give clear examples of why you are concerned. It is also important to give them hope, otherwise they are very unlikely to admit the problem, so suggest the treatment options available that we have detailed further along in this article and offer to support them in accessing help.

The Characteristics of a Heroin Addict

Heroin is an expensive and very addictive drug. It is likely you will observe some marked changes in the user’s behaviour and appearance. Heroin addicts will beg, borrow, threaten and steal to get the money for their next fix. Their yearn and need for the drug overwhelms everything else. They are driven by a compulsion beyond their own mental control. They may present as cold and uncaring, aggressive and agitated when in withdrawal. They are likely to use all forms of manipulation in order to get money from those that they love and when refused will often resort to anger, stealing and committing crime.

Their addiction makes them secretive, devious and untrustworthy. They may come up with elaborate stories to explain their periods of absence or be indignant and defensive when prodded. Heroin addicts will lead a double life, presenting on the outside what they want the world to see, but once the drug takes over they will resemble little of their former selves and become a shell like slave to their next high. Heroin addiction ruins lives, not only to the individual user, but also all those that touch the user’s life. Family members and significant others tend to suffer the most, they feel completely helpless and powerless as they see the one they love being consumed by heroin addiction and a completely different way of life to the one they previously led.

Risks Associated with Injecting Heroin

Heroin has serious physical consequences. Injecting Heroin can seriously damage veins and even lead to abscesses, cellulitis, infections, blood poisoning, blood clots, gangrene and loss of limbs. Every time a user injects, they risk hitting an artery which can cause fatal blood loss. Over time, a Heroin user will run out of working veins and start to inject in high risk areas such as the groin and neck. Sharing needles carries huge risks, such as Hepatitis infections and HIV, as previously touched on. Heroin is a central nervous depressant which means the risk of overdose is very high. Overdoses can lead to coma and ultimately death from respiratory failure. Heroin also stops the body’s cough reflex working properly; this can result in death due to choking on, or inhaling their own vomit.

Injecting heroin with a needle photo

Relapse on Heroin

As previously advised, addiction is a chronic relapsing illness – if not treated correctly. Heroin users that use after a period of abstinence/detox are at the highest risk of overdose and death. Their body will have readjusted to not having the drug and so they will have a very low/no tolerance to the drug. Many addicts will forget this, and commence to use similar amounts and purity of Heroin that they did when they previously used at the peak of their addiction. This can cause the body to shut down and the individual to die. It is important to know the risks, as this, along with change in purity or contamination with a stronger opioid is what causes the most overdose related deaths. Local drug and Alcohol teams are able to advise on harm reduction and safer injecting. If you or a loved one are suffering from addiction, it will not be long before the full devastating effects of addiction to this drug start to re-occur and then increase, if you or they do not seek prompt and appropriate treatment for your addiction. Along with any Heroin detox, it is imperative that the individual undergoes psychological rehabilitation. As all detox achieves is removing the drug from the body; with the same mind set, belief systems and network of associates, they are highly susceptible to relapsing. Staying in recovery requires a great deal of change and professional support, as addicts brains are wired to seek out a high. They often have very little in terms of life skills or emotional coping mechanisms and resorting back to the drug that blocks all of this out, can often seem a less painful way of living; it is what they are conditioned to and what they know best.

For more information on how we can help you or a loved one to access a detox and rehabilitation programme please call us now, or use our LIVE CHAT for direct assistance.

Mixing Heroin with Other Drugs

Combining Heroin with other drugs is extremely dangerous. Users can mix Heroin with different types of sedatives and stimulants for increased highs and different experiences. Commonly used drugs alongside heroin are:

  • Crack cocaine
  • Cocaine
  • Alcohol
  • Valium
  • Speed
  • Prescription drugs
  • Methadone

Mixing Heroin with another suppressant drug, i.e. Methadone, Opiate painkillers, Valium or Alcohol will increase the suppressant and sedative effects. This puts the individual at higher risk of overdose or accidents whilst under the influence.

Mixing Heroin with a stimulant drug, i.e. Amphetamine, Crack or Cocaine, will send the user’s body into overdrive. They will experience a rollercoaster of highs and activity that alternates with a suppressed and sedated state. This puts immense pressure on the individual’s heart and internal organs. Mixing Crack and Heroin together and injecting it, is commonly referred to as “speedballing”. Some individuals love the effects of combining the two, but it is extremely risky for the previously stated reason. Others will take a stimulant first and then follow it with Heroin or a similar suppressant to bring them back down and stop the withdrawal effects from the stimulant.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

girl after taking heroin photo

If you or a loved one have developed a dependency to Heroin, a full medical and supervised detox is strongly recommended. The individual should not attempt to just stop or go “cold turkey”, as this can , in the most severe cases, become life threatening; especially if  large amounts of Heroin are being used or mixed with other substances such as Fentanyl, Cocaine, Alcohol, Pregabalin, Benzodiazepines, legal highs or another opiate. Detoxing from Heroin can cause a number of complex and severe symptoms; the symptoms will vary in severity from individual to individual, depending on their physical and mental health condition, the amounts involved and duration of the addiction. The following timeline of withdrawal symptoms will give you an understanding of what to expect, if you choose to stop abruptly or without medical assistance, these symptoms are likely to be severe. The onset of symptoms are likely to happen more quickly, especially if you are using very frequently, in high amounts or combining Heroin with another substance:

Early Heroin withdrawal symptoms: start between 6 and 24 hours from last use and last for 2-3 days on average:

  • Sweating
  • Achy and stiff muscles
  • Tearful
  • Agitation and feeling irritable and restless
  • Intense craving for Heroin
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety

Acute Heroin withdrawal symptoms: starts 2-3 days after last dose and symptoms vary in severity depending on the duration and dependency levels. These symptoms can last for anything from 3 to 14 days on average

  • Back, joint and bone pain
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feeling extremely cold and goosebumps
  • Diarrhoea and stomach cramps
  • Severe depression due to sudden drop in dopamine levels
  • Intense craving for Heroin
  • Dry mouth due to lack of saliva being produced
  • Tremors and shakes
  • Seizures
  • Insomnia
  • Psychosis and suicidal or self-harming thoughts or actions
  • Weight loss and anorexia due to having little or no appetite
  • Increased high blood pressure
  • Irregular or fast heart rate
  • Unable to concentrate pay attention or listen

Protracted Heroin withdrawal symptoms: This can start after 10 to 14 days from last use and can go on for weeks, months even in some cases. Not everyone will suffer protracted withdrawal, but the chances of developing them are increased the longer the individual has been dependent on Heroin. Not undergoing a supervised medical detox, also increases your chances of protracted opiate withdrawal developing:

  • Depression and Anxiety, suicidal ideation
  • Trouble sleeping, disrupted sleeping patterns
  • Fatigue and unexplained tiredness, lack of motivation
  • Difficulty in feeling any pleasure
  • Still craving a way to fix the way that you feel
  • Numbed emotions
  • Irritability and agitation
  • Trouble with concentration, cognitive impairment, and memory loss

Heroin Detox

Withdrawing from Heroin can be extremely uncomfortable, even dangerous, and should be carried out under medical supervision only. For over 30 years, Heroin addiction has been treated by the NHS using a medication called Methadone, a synthetic opiate that blocks the effects of Heroin, reduces cravings and eliminates withdrawal symptoms. However, Methadone carries its own risks as it is also extremely addictive and produces a euphoric high. Many that are on a methadone script still use Heroin on top to increase the effects. Withdrawal from methadone, is just as, if not more prolonged and uncomfortable, than Heroin. It is questionable if methadone actually works, as every year the statistics from Heroin overdose still rise. Yes, for a few that are very determined to quit heroin, it can be a helpful way of weaning off and stopping the need to commit crime to buy their drugs, but as a whole, statistics suggest that it has not had much of an impact on the number of Heroin related deaths which are still increasing on a yearly basis.

Any detox attempted should be combined with behavioural therapies, counselling and other support services in order for the user to live a heroin-free life and avoid relapse. Residential rehab treatment is particularly effective in dealing with Heroin addiction. The preferred substitute used in our rehabs is Subutex medication, which is much easier to manage medically and psychologically; it also makes the detox more comfortable for the individual. Follow-up treatment is essential to keep the individual on the path to recovery. Addiction Helper, we will gladly help you to explore your options and provide you with all the support that you and your family need.

image showing a couple during consultation with a doctor

Undergoing a strict detox regime that is medically supervised and psychologically supported in a safe environment such as a private rehab, gives the individual the best chance of becoming Heroin free AND more importantly, staying Heroin free!

Can You Get Free Rehab for Heroin Addiction?

Free rehab for Heroin addiction can be accessed through two pathways; there are a select number of Christian Rehabs in the UK; but they are religion specific and not for everyone. The other route is to apply for funding through your local drug and alcohol team (DAT). You can find details of your local DAT team.

DAT takes self-referrals and also referrals from other agencies, so you do not have to go through your GP. By engaging with your local DAT you will receive keyworker session and access to groups held within in the centre. They can also arrange for counselling and for you to go on a methadone script and reduction plan in the community. However, applying for funding for Heroin rehab is not easy and nor is it quick. On average it takes up to six months, a year in some areas. Waiting lists are very lengthily and funding is very limited, so therefore only awarded to most deserving cases, those that prove they are willing by attempting reduction and substitution, and by attending all the appointments for groups and key work sessions. If you are considered a suitable candidate for drug rehab funding, you will be required to complete a pre-rehab course in preparation and to prove your dedication to getting clean. Sadly, some die waiting for rehab, as most individuals with a Heroin addiction or abuse problem, will only seek out help once they have reached crisis point. Local drug and alcohol teams, due to demand and underfunding, are simply not equipped to respond quickly or intensely enough for those in crisis.

DAT treatment is very helpful for those that do not have a chronic addiction problem, but many Heroin addicts find it extremely difficult to get and stay clean, staying in their own area. There is daily temptation all around and easy access through local dealers.

Some individuals are required by law to attend DAT appointments if they have engaged in criminal activity; this means that those that really want to get clean will also be mixing with some individuals who don’t, and who are only attending as part of their probation requirements. This further exposes them to high risk situations and temptation.

The quickest way to access Heroin addiction rehab is through a private rehab clinic. If you or your family have the means to fund this, Addiction Helper can assist you in an immediate admission today! We offer everything, from affordable to luxury rehab and everything in between. Call us now for more information on how to access the best in Heroin detox and rehabilitation centres in the UK and Overseas.

Meetings for Heroin Addiction

You or your loved one can access free local community support from 12 Step fellowships such as Narcotics Anonymous . There are also  group meetings available which focus of goal setting in achievable measures. Please click on the links to find out more about their meetings and to locate one near to you. Sometimes your local DAT team will run Smart Recovery groups and NA groups, so be sure to ask what is available if you are receiving help on the NHS.

Help for Families of Heroin Addicts

At Addiction Helper we understand that addiction doesn’t just affect the individual sufferer, but that also loved ones and family members suffer too. The whole family has to heal in order to be able to support their loved one through the treatment process, and to help get their own lives back on track. Many of Addiction Helpers private rehabs provide a family recovery programme as part of our patient’s treatment. If this is not something you are able to afford, there are other free associations that can be accessed in the community including Famanon  and Adfam .

Our Treatment Programmes for Heroin Addiction and Abuse

Depending on the individual’s circumstances and the level of addiction or abuse they are suffering from, will indicate the type and the intensity of treatment required for a full and permanent recovery. Inpatient residential rehab is the preferred option for success and safety. Addiction Helper can advise on many different rehab options to suit all budgets. Please do not hesitate to call us and speak to one of our knowledgeable and friendly addiction treatment experts. We can assess you or your loved one, free of charge, and provide confidential and professional advice on the best Heroin addiction treatment programmes in the UK and overseas. We only work with rehabs that are highly established, use proven methods of Heroin addiction treatment and detox, and are regulated by the Care Quality Commission. Our rehabs are very professionally run and adhere to strict safety regulations and guidelines at all times. Our patients’ safety and wellbeing is of the utmost importance to us.

addiction rehab centre image

We can arrange urgent same day admissions wherever necessary and provide a bespoke and intensive detox and rehabilitation programme for you or your loved one. We witness the miracle of recovery from addiction daily; let us help you or your loved one to achieve what you never thought possible.

Engaging in one of our intensive inpatient therapeutic rehabilitation programmes will give you or your loved one the best chance of successfully overcoming Heroin addiction or abuse for good. We specialise in providing lifesaving treatment to those affected by all kinds of addiction and co-occurring illnesses. We can provide different durations of treatment programme, dependent on your personal clinical needs and requirements. Typically our inpatient rehab programmes will consist of the following evidence based treatments:

  • Medical Heroin detox and full professional medical assessment, conducted by a doctor experienced in treating addictions and co-occurring illnesses
  • Ongoing medical and therapeutic care throughout treatment
  • Personalised rehabilitation treatment programme
  • Treatment for co-occurring and mental health illnesses
  • Treatment administered by qualified professionals such as Doctors, Medical Staff, Counsellors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Holistic Therapists and Rehabilitation Recovery workers.
  • Aftercare and follow up

For those that are in need of extended care, we also provide secondary and tertiary/sober living care. We assist each and every patient in their successful integration back into society, drug free. Our rehabs also work with a large network of training and education providers and can help our patients to build a future for themselves. Removing the drug is only the very beginning of a long road of change ahead. We are passionate about helping addicts, not only to become drug free, but to become the person that they have always wanted to be.

addiction recovery path imageHeroin Treatment Therapies

Addiction helper only use proven and effective methods of treating Heroin addiction. We want permanent recovery for you or your loved one. Our treatment ethos is to equip the individual with the tools that they need to continue in a happy and healthy sobriety and to treat the underlying causes and conditions of the addiction in a safe and therapeutic environment. Many of our qualified therapists and professionals have experienced addiction first hand; our passion for helping the still suffering addict and their families is unrivalled. Enrolling in one of our rehab treatment programmes, the individual can expect to receive a combination of the following powerful and very effective methods of treating addiction:

  • One to One Counselling
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • 12 Step Therapy
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Holistic Therapies including: mindfulness, meditation, art therapy, music therapy, yoga, tai chi, massage, reflexology, auricular acupuncture, spiritual development, fitness programme
  • Relapse prevention and educational workshops

Furthermore all patients that complete their treatment programme with us, will receive 12 months complimentary aftercare at the rehab they undergo treatment with. We are also dedicated to helping the family throughout their loved ones Heroin treatment and provide family support and

If you have any further questions relating to treatment for a Heroin addiction or want further information on our residential rehab programmes, please do not hesitate to call us or chat to us LIVE online now.