Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Huntingdon

Nowhere in the UK remains untouched by addiction, and sadly that includes picturesque Huntingdon; indeed, such towns often currently appear to bear more than their fair share of the addiction burden, as traffickers and suppliers of illegal drugs have become very aware in recent years of the vast market for their wares represented by Britain away from inner-city hotspots.

If you are struggling with addiction in or near Huntingdon you may well feel that you have lost all hope of turning your life around. However, hold on to that hope because help is out there: read on to discover how rehab can make the difference between life and death and can set you on the path to recovery.

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What Is Rehab?

Residential rehabilitation – “rehab” – describes addiction treatment provided at a dedicated facility, as well as being the name given to that facility itself (“going to rehab”). Treatment rehab typically comprises a detoxification (“detox”) phase aimed at removing a patient’s physical dependency, followed by therapy phase to deal with psychological addiction and to prepare the patient for their return to the outside world. Rehabs are typically aesthetically pleasing, tranquil and secluded institutions, and are of necessity confidential ones, to allow patients to focus on the recovery without worrying that details of their condition will become common knowledge in the outside world.

Because rehab is able to target both the immediacies of physical dependency and the long-term challenges of psychological addiction, it provides a very robust platform upon which patients can build permanent recoveries. As a result it is generally accepted that rehab is themost effective addiction treatment method – indeed, so closely are rehab and recovery linked in the public mind that “rehab” has effectively become synonymous with “addiction treatment” in the modern world.

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

Because of the speed with addiction can take hold, and subsequently ruin an addict’s life (and even bring it to a premature end) time is of the essence when seeking treatment: as soon as someone is willing and able to acknowledge their addiction, it is important to begin the process of getting help.

NHS addiction treatment services are typically of a high standard; however, unfortunately demand is high in every corner of the country, and waiting times can consequently be very lengthy – tragically too lengthy in many cases. If you or a loved one are in urgent need of help to combat addiction, do not waste any more time and risk becoming further entangled in a potentially fatal web of substance abuse: reach out to an addiction specialist today on 0800 024 1455 to discuss some of the life-saving private options available to you.

Advantages of Private Rehab

As mentioned above, a key benefit of rehab is its peaceful, secluded, confidential and safe setting in which patients can focus wholly upon their ongoing recovery and their preparations for starting anew once they leave the facility.

Another is the provision of medically assisted and managed detox, during which an addict will go through potentially extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms; this is a dangerous process (and one which in the case of certain substances including alcohol and benzodiazepines can possibly prove fatal) and the 24/7 presence and support of highly experienced medical personnel is crucial to ensuring that patients go through it as safely as comfortably as possible (potentially with the help of certain medications).

After detox, patients can move into a period of therapy and contemplation; a variety of different therapy models may be provided at rehab in both group and one-to-one settings, and patients will explore the root causes of their addictions before being given psychological defence mechanisms against relapse. Throughout their stay patients will benefit from tailored fitness and dietary plans and from access to an array of fitness and recreational equipment (which will vary from one facility to another).

It is vital to remember that a patient’s recovery is not complete simply upon leaving rehab: recovery is a lifelong process strewn with pitfalls, and in order to help protect against those pitfalls and to keep the recovery process developing, good rehabs will provide patients with up to a year’s free aftercare after the end of a residential treatment programme.

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What Does Rehab Cost in Huntingdon?

The cost of private rehab in or near Huntingdon can vary significantly by treatment programme, and depending on which of a variety of optional extras are selected. As a rough guide, standard costs range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week. For more details, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options near Huntingdon

Not everyone will find rehab to be an appropriate solution for them at any given time, perhaps for reasons of cost or because they are unable to free up the time needed away from family and professional commitments. If you are one of these people, yet you are desperate to get help in the fight against your addiction, do not despair: there are various NHS and charity resources in and near the Huntingdon area which may be of use. Contact your GP to find out more about these, and to discuss which might be available to you.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The most immediately obvious advantage of taking the NHS option for addiction treatment is that these services are free at the point of use, while as mentioned above private rehab comes at a cost which can discourage some addicts from seeking treatment (though when placed against the potential costs – human, financial and other – of not giving help this expense may suddenly feel like an extremely valuable investment).

The NHS also has a geographical advantage over many private providers since it operates across the country, while many good rehab facilities are some distance from Huntingdon (though others, of course, are very close). Furthermore, the NHS generally offers a high standard of service, though it must be noted that this does vary from one trust to the next.

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Addiction Support Groups

A number of organisations exist across the country to provide assistance to recovering addicts, and some of these operate a support group model. Support groups are groups of individuals who are themselves recovering addicts – some only recently free from addiction, while others may have been clean for many years – and who come together at regular meetings to give and take mutual support: sharing their stories of addiction, giving advice on how to resist relapse, showing solidarity and sympathy when group members are struggling, and providing the simple companionship which can mean so much in times of difficulty and loneliness.

Support group attendees can come from all walks of life, brought together by their shared experience of addiction and recovery; typically, attendance at support groups is free and the only qualification for participation is a commitment to leading a life free of substance abuse.

The most famous support group organisation, and the one on which most others are modelled, is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) which was founded in 1935 and runs on a 12-step programme of personal and spiritual development, with one of the steps being a recognition that a higher power – such as God – can assist with an alcoholic’s recovery. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), founded in 1953 and based directly upon the AA model, is the second-largest support group organisation worldwide and caters to recovering drug addicts specifically.

In a similar vein, but supporting those recovering from addictions to specific substances, are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups typically meet weekly, though each local chapter is managed independently and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Huntingdon, see the relevant websites: Alcoholics Anonymous; Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Types of Counselling

Individual counselling is a form of assistance for people in recovery which is often particularly useful for attractive to those with especially busy schedules, thanks to its relatively light commitment and flexibility timetable-wise. Private addiction counsellors, offering a broad range of therapy models and different approaches to treatment, work in a very similar way to regular psychotherapists (although with a clear emphasis on the causes and consequences of addiction) and can be seen by private appointment on an ongoing basis – typically, week by week.

This kind of counselling is often utilised by recovering addicts who have already been through a full treatment programme at rehab and who now require supplementary aids to recovery – perhaps accompanied by participation in support groups and other agencies; at the other extreme, it is also frequently adopted by addicts who have not yet gone to rehab – perhaps because of a desire first to clear up outstanding professional obligations – and who seek a means merely to manage their addictions ahead of such a stay and their engagement in a full treatment programme.

How to get to Sanctuary Lodge from Huntingdon

Sanctuary Lodge is a state-of-the-art, 24-bedroom detox and rehabilitation facility set in a tranquil neighbourhood in the pretty market town of Halstead, Essex. Sanctuary Lodge’s high-quality facilities and highly experienced medical and support staff create the ideal environment in which to address the key questions at the heart of recovery from addiction, and to embrace its fully comprehensive holistic rehabilitation programme.

To get to Halstead from Huntingdon, take the B1514 to the B1044; then join the A14 and then the M11. At junction 10 take the A505; stay on to the A11 and then take the A1307 and then the A1017. Stay on this road all the way to the A1124 and then follow signs to the town centre.
