Alcohol & Drug Rehab In Winchester

Few people who know and love Winchester will need reminding that along with all the positive aspects that make it one of Britain’s most desirable places to live, the city has a darker side in the form of a long-standing and serious addiction problem. Alcohol, illegal drugs – especially hard drugs such as crack and heroin – and prescription medicine are all taking a terrible toll on Winchester’s inhabitants, with knock-on consequences for policing and social health.

However, the picture is not an unremittingly gloomy one: there are now many facilities available for those struggling with addiction who are prepared to reach out for help. If you are among them, do not give up hope: read on to learn how rehab can set you back on the path to happiness.

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What Is Rehab?

Residential rehabilitation (or “rehab”) is the name given to a dedicated facility where addiction treatment is provided, and to the treatment itself – usually comprising both a detoxification (“detox”) phrase and a period of therapy. At rehab, patients benefit from a peaceful, attractive, confidential setting in which they can concentrate upon their recovery, away from their usual environment of substance abuse, and confident that details of their condition will not become common knowledge.

It is nowadays generally accepted that rehab provides the most effective treatment of addiction, in terms of producing permanent abstinence on behalf of the addict. Rehab’s holistic approach, addressing both the immediate challenge of physical dependency (via detox) and the more pernicious problem of psychological addiction (which needs to be countered by therapy) contrasts with a plethora of treatment methods addressing only one aspect (typically physical dependency) of addiction; the latter are unlikely to result in a permanent recovery since the underlying causes of addiction remain untouched.

How can I get Someone into Rehab?

The consequences of addiction for an addict’s physical and mental health can be devastating – and, of course, the longer an addiction lasts the greater the damage tends to be (and the higher the risk that the addict will fall victim to overdose or to an accident or an act of violence in which substance abuse is a critical factor). Because of this, time is very much of the essence when it comes to treating addiction, and the sooner an addict can set out upon the road to recovery, the greater the chances that the recovery will be full and permanent.

Although the NHS can provide very good addiction treatment services, demand is typically very high and as a result waiting times tend to be very long. If you are wrestling with addiction, don’t waste time: get in touch with an addiction specialist to find out about some of the private options available to you in the Winchester area. Call 0800 024 1455 today to start the recovery process.

The Advantages of Private Rehab

As mentioned earlier, rehab’s peaceful, pleasant, secure setting is a major factor in the model’s success since it provides an environment extremely conducive to physical, psychological and emotional healing. This is enhanced by rehab’s confidential nature, since patients do not need to labour under the burden of the anxiety produced by worries about their condition and treatment becoming common knowledge.

Detox and withdrawal can be an extremely unpleasant experience, not to mention a very dangerous one: withdrawal from some substances can prove fatal, while even withdrawal symptoms which cannot kill directly can prove so horrendous and difficult to bear that some withdrawing addicts opt for suicide. The support and assistance of highly qualified medical professionals at rehab can ensure that this process – which needs to be undergone before patients can move into therapy – is carried out safely and as comfortably as possible.

Once in therapy (delivered via a variety of models and in both group and one-to-one settings) patients will explore and analyse the fundamental causes of addiction and begin to develop psychological safeguards against relapse. On the basis of “healthy body, healthy mind” rehab patients will benefit throughout their stay from bespoke fitness and dietary plans as well as from an array of rehab-specific facilities.

Recovery is not complete when a patient leaves rehab, but is instead a long-term process which can be fraught with challenges. With this in mind a good rehab will offer up to a year’s free aftercare, to reassure all patients that they may still benefit from medical expertise as they move through the very difficult next phase of their recovery journey.

What Does Rehab Cost Near Winchester?

The cost of private rehab will vary from one facility to another depending on the nature of the treatment programs offered and of the standard of the facility in question (for example, luxury rehabs can logically be expected to cost more). Roughly speaking, standard costs in or near Winchester range from £5,500 to £11,000 per month, although the cheapest treatment may be obtained for as little as £834 per week. For more specifics, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options Near Winchester

It should be acknowledged that private rehab may not be an option for everybody (possibly for reasons of cost, or perhaps because you do not think it is feasible for you to spend a significant period away from your family and/or work commitments) but if this is the case do not despair: there are a number of NHS and charity resources in and near Winchester which can help you or a loved one tackle even the longest-standing addiction. Consult your GP about which of these might be open to you.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The most obvious advantage of NHS treatment is one of cost: NHS services are free at the point of use, while private rehab, as noted above, does come at a cost (although compared with the potential costs – in all senses – of not seeking help, and continuing to suffer from addiction, this may be considered a very valuable investment).

Another positive aspect of taking the NHS route is the geographical accessibility of facilities: the NHS operates across the country while some rehabs may be very distant from Winchester (though others are effectively adjacent). Moreover, NHS services are typically of a very high standard (though quality does vary by location and, as noted, waiting lists can be long).

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Addiction Support Groups

Alongside treatment facilities and programs able to address the immediate challenges of addiction and dependency, various organisations are active across the UK helping addicts who are in recovery. Some of these operate on a support group model: groups of people who are themselves recovering addicts who convene at regular (often weekly) meetings for mutual support, advice on staying sober and clean, and simple companionship and friendship (which can be key for many addicts who struggle with loneliness after turning their backs on drug-abusing peer groups). Support group attendees may be only recently free from addiction, or may have been clean for long periods; they come from all demographics and are brought together by their shared experiences of addiction and recovery. Usually, attendance at such groups is free: the only requirement is a commitment to abstaining from substances of abuse.

The best-known support group organisation – and one on which many others have been modelled – is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Founded in 1935, AA provides the famous 12-step programme of personal and spiritual progress (one of the steps being to acknowledge that a higher power – such as God – governs one’s life and can help with an alcoholic’s recovery). Narcotics Anonymous (NA) was founded in 1953 based on the AA model and is the second-largest support group organisation internationally, specifically aimed at helping recovering drug addicts. Along similar lines are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Each local support group chapter is run independently, and meeting schedules and venues are of necessity subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Winchester, see the relevant websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous
, Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous

Types of Counselling

Individual counselling is a type of help for recovering addicts which can be particularly beneficial for people with very busy schedules. individual counselling may be engaged in following a stay at rehab (or other addiction treatment) as a supplementary aid to recovery, or perhaps as a way of managing an addiction before engaging in a full training programme. Private addiction counsellors work in ways similar to the operations of “normal” psychotherapists, although obviously the focus is on addressing the causes and consequences of addiction; counsellors offering a broad range of approaches to therapy and different therapy models can be found across the country, including in Winchester itself.

Counsellors can be seen by private appointment, typically on a weekly basis, and usually charge a fee per appointment; while some counsellors make themselves available for emergencies, it is more common for access to be limited to working hours.

How to Get to Primrose Lodge from Winchester

Primrose Lodge is a unique rehab clinic located in the historic town of Guildford, Surrey. Boasting a private gymnasium, purpose-built treatment rooms and en suite bedrooms, this attractive, spacious building is the perfect getaway for those battling addiction, while Primrose Lodge’s highly experienced staff are on hand 24/7 to ensure patients’ safety and comfort. Integrated treatment programmes designed to address the root causes of addiction are provided in a tranquil and confidential environment in which patients can focus wholly upon their recovery.

To get to Worplesdon from Winchester, head out on the B3330 to the B3404 and then to the A31. Stay on that road all the way to the A3, then take the A322 and follow signs to Worplesdon town centre.

Primrose Lodge
Perry Hill
