Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Hertford

Like every other town in the UK, Hertford suffers from the devastating impact of addiction: alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription medicines are taking a tragic toll on the inhabitants of the town and its environs, with serious ramifications for policing and social care. The cost to individual addicts and their families, meanwhile, is immeasurable.

Nevertheless, hope springs eternal: across the country there are now a good number of facilities treating addiction, staffed by dedicated and highly experienced professionals. If you or someone you love is wrestling with addiction in or near Hertford, that help could be at your disposal if you are prepared to reach out for it. Read on to discover how rehab could, quite literally, save your life.

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Services in Hertfordshire

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What Is Rehab?

Rehab – “residential rehabilitation”, in full – is the name for both the treatment of addiction at a dedicated facility, and the facility itself; because of the prominence of rehab in the public eye (itself a result of the model’s superlative record in treating addiction in patients from all walks of life, including some very high-profile addicts) rehab has become almost synonymous with addiction treatment in general.

At rehab – which is typically set in attractive and tranquil surroundings in which patients can focus wholly on their recovery – addicts benefit from a bilateral approach to treatment: rehab addresses both the immediate problem of physical dependency and the longer-term challenge of psychological addiction, and as a result is generally considered to be the most effective means of combating addiction, in terms of giving patients the greatest chance of achieving a permanent recovery.

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

When dealing with addiction time is of the essence. Addiction is a dreadful illness which ruins lives and can end them prematurely: thousands of people die each year in the UK as a result either of substance abuse directly or of accidents or violent acts in which such abuse is a key factor. Every day that goes by in which someone suffers from addiction and its ramifications is another day in which they are at risk of such untimely death – or, dreadfully, of causing the untimely death of someone.

Because of this, it is imperative to seek treatment as soon as possible – that is, as soon as an addict is prepared to admit to their addiction and to ask for help. Although the NHS offers various high-quality addiction treatment services, waiting lists can be very long – especially in areas of high demand such as Hertford – and those waiting times, sadly, are too long for many addicts. If you or someone close to you is addicted to any substance of abuse, do not hesitate: reach out to an addiction specialist now on 0800 024 1455 to discuss some of the private options available to you.

Advantages of Private Rehab

As noted above, rehab provides a confidential, pleasant, secluded and safe environment in which patients can concentrate upon the recovery, away from the distractions and temptations of their daily lives and, crucially, in a location free of substances of abuse.

When entering rehab a patient will undergo a thorough assessment prior to commencing the detox phase (monitored and assisted by highly experienced medical personnel, who can make sure the detox and withdrawal process is as safe as possible and who can ameliorate the worst effects of withdrawal via medication where appropriate); when their system is cleansed of substances of abuse they will engage in therapy of various forms – in both one-to-one and group settings – which addresses the fundamental causes of their addiction and provides them with an array of defence mechanisms against relapse.

Private rehabs will also provide bespoke fitness and dietary plans – “healthy body, healthy mind” – and numerous other facilities (with specifics varying from one rehab to the next). Upon leaving rehab, the recovering addict will benefit from up to a year’s free aftercare: it is vital to recognise that recovery is not complete upon leaving the facility, but is an ongoing process requiring diligence and dedication.

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What Does Rehab Cost in Hertford?

The cost of private rehab will vary from one facility to another depending on the nature of the treatment programs offered and of the standard of the facility in question (for example, luxury rehabs can logically be expected to cost more). Roughly speaking, standard costs in or near Hertford range from £5,500 to £11,000 per month, although the cheapest treatment may be obtained for as little as £834 per week. For more specifics, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options near Hertford

Private rehab may not be an option for everybody – possibly for reasons of cost, or perhaps because you do not feel it is feasible for you to spend a significant period away from your family and/or work commitments. Do not give up hope if this is the case: there are a number of NHS and charity resources in and near Hertford which can help you or a loved one tackle even the longest-standing addiction. Talk to your GP about which of these might be open to you and would be appropriate for your situation.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The most obvious advantage of NHS treatment is, understandably, financial: private rehab has a cost which can be offputting (although, compared with the costs – financial and otherwise – of addiction, this may be considered a relatively small investment) and NHS services are free at the point of use. They are also very accessible (though waiting times vary and may be excessively long for some addicts requiring urgent help). Furthermore, the NHS usually offers a very good service – though quality does vary by location.

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Addiction Support Groups

Alongside treatment facilities and programs able to address the immediate challenges of addiction and dependency, various organisations are active across the UK helping addicts who are in recovery. Some of these operate on a support group model: groups of people who are themselves recovering addicts who convene at regular (often weekly) meetings for mutual support, advice on staying sober and clean, and simple companionship and friendship (which can be key for many addicts who struggle with loneliness after turning their backs on drug-abusing peer groups).

Support group attendees may be only recently free from addiction, or may have been clean for long periods; they come from all demographics and are brought together by their shared experiences of addiction and recovery. Usually, attendance at such groups is free: the only requirement is a commitment to abstaining from substances of abuse.

The best-known support group organisation – and one on which many others have been modelled – is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Founded in 1935, AA provides the famous 12-step programme of personal and spiritual progress (one of the steps being to acknowledge that a higher power – such as God – governs one’s life and can help with an alcoholic’s recovery). Narcotics Anonymous (NA) was founded in 1953 based on the AA model and is the second-largest support group organisation internationally, specifically aimed at helping recovering drug addicts. Along similar lines are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes.

There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Each local support group chapter is run independently, and meeting schedules and venues are of necessity subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Hertford, see the relevant websites: Alcoholics Anonymous; Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous

Types of Counselling

Many recovering addicts utilise individual counselling, which can be provided following the completion of a treatment programme at rehab or elsewhere as a supplement to that programme, or potentially as a means of managing an addiction in advance of engaging in proper treatment.

Private addiction counsellors offering a huge variety of different approaches to therapy operate across the country; they are typically seen by private appointment on an ongoing basis – often weekly – and usually charge by appointment. Access is usually limited to predefined working hours, although some councillors do make themselves available on an emergency basis.

How to Get to Liberty House Clinic from Hertford

Liberty House Clinic is a fully furbished 18-bed drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation facility in a peaceful, picturesque suburban setting in the heart of Luton. Its large, spacious grounds are the ideal place in which to address the key questions at the heart of recovery from addiction, and to embrace its fully comprehensive rehabilitation programme focused on mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

To get to Luton from Hertford, take the A119 to the A414 and stay on this road to the A6129. Turn off down the B197, take the B653, and finally head along the A505 and follow signs to Luton Town Centre.
