Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Hackney

Addiction Helper in Hackney can help you get the residential drug or alcohol rehabilitation treatment programme of recovery that you need in order to overcome active substance abuse or dependency on alcohol or drugs. Our patient centred recovery approach means your health and psychotherapy needs will be at the forefront out our treatment model.

The London Borough of Hackney is a fairly small Borough by area in Inner London, in the United Kingdom. The Borough of Hackney is named after its main district and best-known area, Hackney. Due to the positioning of the Borough of Hackney, it is sometimes considered north, East London and North East London. The Hackney postcodes are E, EC and N.

If you are living in an area that you are not sure has local drug withdrawal and alcohol dependence treatment services including medical alcohol and medical drug intoxication detox then call us.

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At Primrose Lodge we genuinely care that our patients make a full recovery …

  • Private
  • Holistic Treatment
  • Onsite gym
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Featured Rehabs

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Banbury Lodge is a private UKAT rehab facility based in Banbury, Oxfordshir…

Free Services
  • St John of Jerusalem Church,
    Lauriston Rd.
    E9 7DH
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Mental Health Unit,
    Board Room 1st Flr,
    East Wing Entrance
    E9 6SR
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Lifeline Project
    110 Mare Street
    E9 7QL
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Hackney ARK
    Downs Park Road
    Greater London
    E8 2FP
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • 28b King Henry’s Walk
    Greater London
    N1 4PB
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • 110 Mare Street
    Greater London
    E8 3SG
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
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Find Private, Luxury Treatment Centers in Hackney

What Is Rehab?

Residential rehabilitation – more commonly known as “rehab” – is the name given to addiction treatment carried out on-site at a dedicated facility. Another name for this is inpatient rehabilitation. In most cases, what we understand as “rehab” is a wholesome treatment for addiction, comprising detoxification, therapy, and probably aftercare.

In private rehabs, people can benefit from the attractive and peaceful setting, in which they can focus entirely on their recovery, far from the temptations of daily life and their usual environment of substance abuse. Rehabs are also confidential facilities, ensuring that we need not worry that details of our condition may become common knowledge.

It is generally accepted that rehab provides the most effective treatment of addiction in terms of its ability to produce permanent abstinence on behalf of the addict. This is mostly due to its holistic approach addressing both the immediate challenge of physical dependency and the longer-term and more pernicious problem of psychological addiction.

Therapy aims to reveal the root causes of addiction and provide recovering addicts with a range of defence mechanisms, protecting themselves against relapse. Treatment which only addresses one aspect (typically physical dependency) of addiction is unlikely to result in a permanent recovery.

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

It’s vital to recognise the truth behind the old adage that an addict will only be ready for treatment once they are willing and able to admit that they have a problem and to reach out for help. Trying to force someone into treatment, if they do not truly wish to cease their substance abuse, is sure to be a futile endeavour.

However, often an addict will strive as far as they can to keep denying that they have a problem. The prospect of tackling addiction and confronting what it has done, of living a life without the substance/s on which they have come to rely, can be a truly terrifying one. As a result,, it is often the case that they will need assistance even to reach the point at which they are able to acknowledge the presence of addiction.

This assistance may come in the form of an intervention (which is something we can help you with), direction from a GP, and other ways. However it comes, though, it is imperative that it comes as soon as possible; the longer you struggle with addiction the greater the damage it will do physically, mentally, financially. The risk that it will eventually prove fatal increases over time.

While the NHS provides high-quality addiction treatment services, waiting times can be very lengthy. If you or a loved one desperately require help to tackle an addiction, don’t waste any more time: call a trusted addiction specialist to talk about some of the private options which may be available to admit you or a loved one in or near Hackney.

Find Private, Luxury Treatment Centers in Hackney

Advantages of Private Rehab

As mentioned earlier, rehab offers a tranquil, attractive, secure and confidential environment in which you can focus wholly upon your recovery far from the distractions and temptations of the outside world, your daily routine of substance abuse and, of course, from those substances themselves.

When you enter a private rehab you will first be assessed by the medical team you. Then, you will detox, assisted by medical professionals who are there to ensure that the process is as safe and as comfortable as it can be. This may involve the use of certain medications.

After detox, you move into therapy, where the true benefit of private rehab is. In a private environment, you or a loved one in need of addiction treatment will be able to reap the benefits of various specialised therapies including art, music, CBT, DBT and more.

Your individual treatment plan will also include bespoke dietary and fitness regimes (“healthy body, healthy mind”) as well as access to other resources depending on which specific rehab you attend and the level of treatment you have opted for.

It’s vital to remember that recovery is not complete the instant you finish your treatment programme and walk out the door of rehab: it is an ongoing process requiring dedication and diligence. As a result, good private rehabs will provide free aftercare for up to a year to give you the assurance of ongoing professional support during this next crucial phase of your recovery.

What Does Rehab Cost in Hackney?

The cost of private rehab can vary dramatically from one rehab to another (with a host of factors adding complexity such as which optional extras may be requested). As a rough guide, standard costs for rehab in England and Wales range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options near Hackney

You may feel for any of a variety of reasons that at this point in time private rehab is not an option you can consider. If this is the case, it is important not to give up hope: an assortment of NHS and charity resources can be found in and near Hackney, which may help you manage your addiction or even attempt to overcome it altogether. Contact your GP to make an appointment to discuss which of these resources may be available to you.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

Bearing in mind the aforementioned reluctance of some people to pay for private rehab, one obvious advantage of NHS treatment is that it is free at the point of service delivery. However there are other advantages too: for one thing, the NHS is active across the UK, whereas some rehabs are a long distance away from Hackney. Another benefit is a generally high quality of service NHS clinics have a generally high standard when it comes to service quality, but it does vary from one NHS trust to the next, and as noted above some areas suffer from very high demand and consequently large waiting lists.

Find Private, Luxury Treatment Centers in Hackney

Addiction Support Groups

A number of organisations exist across the country to provide assistance to recovering addicts, and some of these operate a support group model. Support groups are groups of individuals who are themselves recovering addicts – some only recently free from addiction, while others may have been clean for many years.

They come together at regular meetings to give and take mutual support: sharing their stories of addiction, giving advice on how to resist relapse, showing solidarity and sympathy when group members are struggling, and providing the simple companionship which can mean so much in times of difficulty and loneliness.

Support group attendees can come from all walks of life brought together by their shared experience of addiction and recovery; typically, attendance at support groups is free and the only qualification for participation is a commitment to leading a life free of substance abuse.

The most famous support group organisation, and the one on which most others are modelled, is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) which was founded in 1935 and runs on a 12-step programme of personal and spiritual development, with one of the steps being a recognition that a higher power – such as God – can assist with an alcoholic’s recovery. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), founded in 1953 and based directly upon the AA model, is the second-largest support group organisation worldwide and caters to recovering drug addicts specifically.

In a similar vein, but supporting those recovering from addictions to specific substances, are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. There are also support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assisting the families and friends of addicts which typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups typically meet weekly, though each local chapter is managed independently and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Hackney, see the relevant websites.

Types of Counselling

Some recovering addicts – in particular, those with very busy schedules – find that individual private counselling is an extremely useful treatment model. Private addiction counsellors work like regular psychotherapists – though with a clear emphasis on tackling the causes and consequences of substance abuse and addiction – offering private appointments (one-off, irregular, or on a regular basis – usually weekly) and typically charging a fee per appointment.

You can find private addiction counsellors across the country, with many at work in the capital and near Hackney. A great variety of different therapy models and approaches to treatment are available. Counsellors are usually available only during set working hours, although some do make themselves available for emergency access.

Counselling sessions are often sought by recovering addicts who have already been through a programme of treatment such as may be provided in rehab and who desire supplementary support during the next phase of the recovery. Aftercare counsellors who work as part of a rehab treatment programme are available according to the previously agreed upon schedule. It is also the preferred option for many addicts who have not yet been to rehab but are preparing to do so and who want help in managing their addictions prior to engaging in a full residential treatment programme.

Reaching Hackney in London

The borough of Hackney is found in inner London. Its neighbouring areas are City of London, Islington, Haringey, Waltham Forest, Newham, and Tower Hamlets, and it has 21 wards.

The Hackney wards are: Brownswood, Cazenove, Clissold, Dalston, De Beauvoir, Central, Downs, Wick, Haggerston, Homerton, Hoxton East and Shoreditch, Hoxton West, King’s Park, Lea Bridge, London Fields, Shacklewell, Springfield, Stamford Hill West, Stoke Newington, Victoria, Woodberry Down. If you have to drive around the borough, keep in mind that there are a number of useful large roads to use for quicker access – the A10, the A12, the A104, the A107, and the A501. At the same time, if you consider using public transportation, the local stations are serviced by both over- and underground transportation providers. The two local London Underground stations are Manor House (Piccadilly Line) and Old Street (Northern Line), while the London Overground lines (north London, East London, and the Lea Valley Lines) cover most of the area.

There are multiple opportunities for your relaxing rehab-focused outings. They may be part of the holistic therapies some rehabs in the area provide. Found in the borough are the Woodberry Wetlands, Abney Park, and Clissold Park.

How to Get to Primrose Lodge from Hackney

Primrose Lodge is a unique rehab clinic located in the historic town of Guildford, Surrey. Boasting a private gymnasium, purpose-built treatment rooms and en-suite bedrooms. This attractive, spacious building is the perfect getaway for those battling addiction, while Primrose Lodge’s highly experienced staff are on hand 24/7 to ensure patients’ safety and comfort.

Integrated treatment programmes designed to address the root causes of addiction are provided in a tranquil and confidential environment in which patients can focus wholly upon their recovery.

To get to Worplesdon from Hackney, take Mare St to Richmond Road, and then, in turn, take Englefield Road, Essex Road/A104, Upper St/A1, and Pentonville Road/A501. Stay on the A501 as far as the A40, and then take the A3220 towards Hammersmith. At Shepherd’s Bush Green take the A402, then the A219, then join Hammersmith Road/A315 onto Hammersmith Bridge Road/A306. Get onto the A3 at the Kingston Road turning, and keep on it for approximately 35 kilometres; take the A3100 onto the A320, and finally join the A322/Worplesdon Road.

For those travelling by train, take the tube to Vauxhall or Waterloo; national rail services run from both directions to Worplesdon.

Primrose Lodge
Perry Hill
