Substance Misuse Service

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Fitzwilliam Centre, 143-145 Fitzwilliam Centre, Sheffield S1 4JP
Opiate Drug Service offers assessment, support and interventions to thos eaged 18yrs using any opiate drug. There are naturally occuring optiates like heroin, morphine and codeine and synthetic (man-made) opiates like methadone and buprenorphine. A range of treatment options are offered once a comprensive assessment has been completed incluidng substitute precribing and psycho-social interventions (PSI). The service also offers a drop-in needle exchange, a specialist wound-care clinic, harm reduction advice and support. Late night clinics until 8pm Wednesday and Thursday. Non-Opiates Drug Service offers assessment, support and interventions to those aged 18yrs and experienced problems with non-opiate drug misuse. Non-opiate is a term used to describe all drugs other than opiate based drugs such as heoin or codeine, for example, cannabis, amphetamines, steroids, cocaine and crack cocaine and Novel Psychoactive Substances (or what were formerly known as 'legal highs'). The service also offers a drop-in needle exchange and harm reduction advice and support. Late night clinic Wednesday 5pm-7pm 'Juice Clinic' for steroid users. Late night clinic Thursday until 7pm.