Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Bradford

Although addiction is a problem throughout the UK, it will come as little surprise that the country’s urban areas – inner cities in particular – are especially susceptible to its ravages.

Bradford is no exception: alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription medication are taking a terrible toll on the city’s inhabitants, young and old, with relatively new substances such as spice joining long-established poisons such as heroin and cocaine in causing carnage on the streets.

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: there are now many facilities offering high-quality addiction treatment to people struggling with this terrible illness. If you or a loved one are one of those people, help is at hand: read on to discover how rehab can save your life.

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Services in West Yorkshire

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What Is Rehab?

Rehab – “residential rehabilitation”, in full – is the name for both the treatment of addiction at a dedicated facility, and the facility itself; because of the prominence of rehab in the public eye (itself a result of the model’s superlative record in treating addiction in patients from all walks of life, including some very high-profile addicts) rehab has become almost synonymous with addiction treatment in general.

At rehab – which is typically set in attractive and tranquil surroundings in which patients can focus wholly on their recovery – addicts benefit from a bilateral approach to treatment: rehab addresses both the immediate problem of physical dependency and the longer-term challenge of psychological addiction, and as a result is generally considered to be the most effective means of combating addiction, in terms of giving patients the greatest chance of achieving a permanent recovery.

How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

The consequences of addiction for an addict’s physical and mental health can be devastating – and, of course, the longer an addiction lasts the greater the damage tends to be (and the higher the risk that the addict will fall victim to overdose or to an accident or an act of violence in which substance abuse is a critical factor).

Because of this, time is very much of the essence when it comes to treating addiction, and the sooner an addict can set out upon the road recovery, the greater the chances that the recovery will be full and permanent.

Although the NHS can provide very good addiction treatment services, demand is typically very high and as a result waiting times tend to be very long – especially in highly populated areas such as Bradford. If you are wrestling with addiction, don’t waste time: get in touch with an addiction specialist to find out about some of the private options available to you in the Bradford area. Call 0800 024 1455 today to start the recovery process.

Advantages of Private Rehab

The advantages of rehab are manifold. Most importantly it provides a peerless combination of detoxification (“detox”) – addressing the immediate challenges of physical dependency – and therapy aimed at revealing and addressing the root causes of addiction, and at providing patients with an array of defence mechanisms to help prevent relapse.

This combination of treatment is provided in one location, away from the distractions and temptations of the outside world and an addict’s usual environment which has proved so conducive to substance abuse up to now.

Rehabs are typically aesthetically very pleasant, calm and safe places in which an addict can concentrate completely upon recovery, benefiting from the presence of highly experienced medical personnel and from the provision of tailored dietary and fitness plans (on the basis of “healthy body, healthy mind”).

Following a stay in a quality rehab, a patient will receive free aftercare for up to a year: the recovery process is by no means complete upon leaving rehab, but is instead a constant endeavour requiring dedication and peppered with pitfalls, which the provision of aftercare can go some way to negating.

What Does Rehab Cost in West Yorkshire?

The cost of private rehab varies by treatment programme, and from one facility to the next (and depends on which of a variety of optional extras are selected). As a rough guide, standard costs for rehab in the Bradford area range from between £5,500 and £11,000 per month, though the cheapest rehab treatment can start from as little as £834 per week. For more details, call 0800 804 4755.

NHS Addiction Treatment Options Bradford

Private rehab may not be an option for everybody: some people feel unable to spend the required time separated from family and away from professional commitments, while others are put off by the cost. If this is the case, do not give up hope: there are numerous NHS and charity resources in and around Bradford and across West Yorkshire which can help you in your fight against addiction. Talk to your GP about which of these may be open to you and which might be appropriate for your situation.

Advantages of NHS Treatment

The most obvious advantage of NHS treatment is, understandably, financial: private rehab has a cost which can be off-putting (although, compared with the costs – financial and otherwise – of addiction, this may be considered a relatively small investment) and NHS services are free at the point of use.

They are also very accessible (though waiting times vary and may be excessively long for some addicts requiring urgent help). Furthermore, the NHS usually offers a very good service – though quality does vary by location.

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Addiction Support Groups

Support groups made up of recovering addicts who come together at regular meetings for mutual support in the form of advice, solidarity, friendship and more. These groups may be found throughout the country, and support group attendees can come from all walks of life, brought together by their shared experiences. Attendance at support groups is free with the only qualification for participation being a willingness to overcome addiction.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which was founded in 1935 and runs on a 12-step programme of personal and spiritual development, is the most famous support group organisation, and the one on which most others are modeled. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), founded in 1953 and based directly upon the AA model, is the second-largest support group organisation worldwide and caters to recovering drug addicts specifically.

In a similar vein, but supporting those recovering from addictions to specific substances, are Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), all of which operate 12-step programmes. Groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon assist the families and friends of addicts and typically hold meetings alongside those for the addicts themselves.

Support groups typically meet weekly, though each local chapter is managed independently and meeting times and venues are subject to change. To find information on meetings in or near Bradford, see the relevant websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous
, Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Heroin Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous; Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Types of Counselling

Many private addiction counsellors – like “regular” psychotherapists, though with an obvious emphasis on addiction – can be found throughout the country, with a wide variety of therapy models available.

Individual counselling – which can be engaged in either following attendance at rehab or other treatment as a supplementary aid to recovery, or potentially as a means of managing an addiction prior to engagement in a full treatment programme – is especially beneficial for those with extremely busy schedules.

Counsellors are usually seen weekly and typically charge a fee per appointment; some counsellors make themselves available in emergencies while others strictly limit access to working hours.

How to get to Oasis Recovery in Bradford

Oasis Recovery is a unique and pioneering detox and rehab centre located in the heart of Bradford in a quiet secure location perfect for those struggling with addiction. Spacious and tranquil, Oasis Recovery’s highly skilled medical and support staff, and its excellent infrastructure, mean it can facilitate all manner of medical detoxes, including complex detoxes and those who require a higher intensity of medical care.

Oasis Recovery boasts 19 en-suite bedrooms – furnished to a very high standard – with walk-in showers, disabled facilities, large communal living areas, well-equipped treatment rooms, outside courtyard, and holistic spa jacuzzi. The medical team provide close monitoring of all patients throughout the day and night, while patients can also undergo structure therapeutic treatment alongside any medical detox which may be necessary.

Oasis Recovery
21a Bolling Road
