The cost of addiction rehab is something we are asked about a lot. People want to know how much it costs to attend a private rehab centre as opposed to getting reduced cost services or the free services offered by the NHS and charities. It’s a legitimate question.

We cannot give you a specific number and say not every private rehab clinic will exceed this amount. There are just too many variables. However, we can say it’s likely to be less expensive than you think. Furthermore, there are financing options available if you do not have the cash on hand.

Most private health insurance plans cover the cost of drug and alcohol rehab at a private clinic. If you have private insurance, check with your insurer to be sure. If you don’t have insurance, there are some other things to consider:

  • Charitable Grants – From time to time, a charitable organisation will offer grants to those in need of help. They may be hard to come by, but they are one possibility when available.

  • Donations – If you’re able to demonstrate to family and friends that you are committed to getting well, you might be surprised to find them willing to donate the money you need for rehab treatment. They may give it to you as a gift or structure it as a personal loan.

  • Commercial Loans – Some clients who come to us have the financial history to secure a personal loan for treatment. Others enlist the help of family members or friends willing to take out commercial loans on their behalf.

  • Employers – In some cases, employers are willing to donate or loan the money needed for addiction rehab if a worker is especially valuable to the company. It’s yet another option you can pursue.

  • Credit Cards – Although we typically recommend against it, a credit card account is a last resort method of financing. Nevertheless, you’ll have to be committed to paying off that credit card as soon as you get back to work. Otherwise, the interest could be damaging to your finances.

What Goes into the Cost of Rehab

You may wonder what goes into the cost of private rehab given the fact that NHS services are free. We’ll explain by first telling you that NHS services are only free to the client. Somebody still has to pay for them. Everything the NHS provides is paid for out of the taxes collected from UK businesses and individuals. Therefore, it’s not really free.

As for private rehab, there are a number of things that go into the cost of offering rehab programmes. Perhaps the biggest expense is paying the salaries of medical professionals. Any reputable private clinic will employ the best doctors and nurses with proven experience and the right credentials. They cost money.

The second biggest item on the balance sheet is the cost of obtaining and maintaining residential properties. Since most private rehab programmes involve residential facilities of significant size, this can be expensive. Property must be purchased, remodelled, and then maintained continually.

The remainder of the costs of private rehab include paying for things like medications, therapy materials, linens and other household items, furniture, exercise equipment, food, etc. Just think about what it costs to maintain your own household and you’ll understand all of the things that need to be provided.

Therapy Options

When you choose therapy through a private rehab clinic, you’ll likely be afforded a customised treatment plan developed based on your unique circumstances. Your treatment plan will involve three main components: detox, rehab, and aftercare. Within each of these components, there are dozens of different therapies a clinic can work with.

It’s safe to say that the number of therapy choices available influences the cost of rehab. For example, one private clinic may decide to use art therapy as a way of helping a recovering addict reflect on addiction issues. Art therapy will require the hiring of a certified therapist qualified to work with clients in this manner. There will also be additional costs associated with purchasing art supplies.

These additional therapies can run the gamut from exercise and personal training to woodworking to the skills necessary to maintain a household. The point is this: the greater the number of therapy options available at a given clinic, the higher the cost is likely to be.

Luxury Rehab Clinics

From time to time, we work with clients who have little or no financial restrictions. For them, money is no object. We can offer these clients rehab programmes located at luxury facilities all around the world. The effectiveness of luxury rehab is a matter of debate, but the facilities exist for those who want them.

We personally believe luxury rehab is a legitimate option for those who can afford it. We say this because the only difference between this type of facility and one more moderately priced are the amenities offered. The basic components of detox, rehab, and aftercare are still included in the process.

Typical amenities offered by luxury clinics would include private rooms, en suite baths, wellness spas, swimming pools, fully equipped gyms, media centres, and gourmet meals. However, it should be noted that the luxury rehab centre is not intended to be a temporary holiday that does nothing more than relieve the addict from his/her daily responsibilities. Recovery is still the objective.

Choosing the Right Clinic

Choosing the right clinic is a matter of knowing what is out there and what fits your individual circumstances. That’s where our organisation can be extremely helpful. We work with the best clinics all over the UK and abroad, so we’re likely to know what would suit you best. You only need contact us to get the information.

If you’re currently struggling with an addiction problem, or you know someone who is, we urge you to contact us even if you think financing will be an issue. As we said earlier, rehab is often less expensive than most people think. There’s a good chance we can find something you can afford.

If not, you can still access free services from the NHS and addiction recovery charities. While these services don’t offer all the benefits of private, residential care, they do offer outpatient programmes. That’s better than nothing at all.

Right now, while you’re thinking about it, is the best time to decide to get treatment. What’s holding you back? Our qualified staff are waiting to assist you right now. All it takes is a phone call or an e-mail message.

Why Does The Cost Vary So Much?

The cost of treatment at a rehab clinic varies greatly depending on the standard of the clinics accommodation and facilities and the length of program required by the individual. There are numerous clinics across the UK and Worldwide and it can be a case of calling many clinics before you find one that suits both your budget and treatment needs.

Help is Available

Addiction Helpers advisors have in depth knowledge of all the established and registered treatment clinics in the UK and Europe. We also specialize in treatment in South Africa, and Thailand. With one call to us, we can help you find the right treatment centre, taking into account your budget, your treatment needs and any special requirements. We are not affiliated with any clinics in particular, so we base our recommendations purely on your needs taken from our free over the telephone treatment assessment.

The cost of rehab in the UK generally starts at around £5-8000 for a 28 day residential admission; this includes all therapy, medication, accommodation and food. There are a few rehabs that can provide a lower cost treatment, and many that cost more. Rehab treatment is costly, and when parting with your money, you want to be sure that you are doing the right thing and getting the best treatment your money can buy. Addiction Helper will assist you in this, and if finances are a problem, help you to look at lower cost treatment options such as counselling or accessing your local NHS services.

The Cost of Living

Whilst treatment is expensive, there is no denying that it is lifesaving. Whilst you cannot put a price on someone’s life, it is helpful to know the costs involved and if it is affordable. If you are fortunate enough to be able to afford rehab treatment, the chances of recovery are vastly increased. The longer you are able to stay also impacts on your chances of long term sobriety, as studies have proved. Of course, recovery is the individuals responsibility, and whilst treatment centres can help lay the foundations to a long lasting and happy recovery, it’s down to the individual to make sure that they keep up the work in maintaining it .

It is worth considering carefully before casting the idea of rehab aside due to cost. Many in addiction spend hundreds if not thousands of pounds a month on their addiction, and in the long term could save you much, much more. Prices start from as little as £2500. for a standard detox only. Full therapeutic rehabilitation programs can be accessed from £5000. inclusive of aftercare. Costs are reflective of the treatment the rehab offers, the location, the standard of accommodation and the facilities available

Why Rehab can Work

Recovery requires 100 percent input from the individual. No amount of top class treatment will do this for an individual that is not willing to engage or take on board what is suggested. However, many do enter rehab with a certain scepticism only to have this completely turned around once they start working intensively with the rehab staff. There are some key benefits to attending rehab that are not accessible by other means. Aside from the professional and intensive therapies that are on offer, there are other benefits to attending a residential rehab that you may wish to consider:

1. You are not alone.

In rehab you are with others that are in a similar position to yourself, you can draw strength and support from each other. Having another individual actually understand how you are feeling/thinking can be a huge comfort to someone who has struggled alone for many years.

2. You are removed from temptation and easy access to alcohol or drugs.

Rehabs are safe places, and whilst you stay in the rehab you will be kept safe from temptation.

3. Fully trained and qualified staff.

Any medical detox you undergo will be supervised and controlled by fully trained and qualified staff.

4. You will be shielded from external pressures;

such as commitments, responsibilities, and expectations so that you can focus on recovering and engaging fully in the treatment being offered

5. You will start to learn about yourself and understand what makes you tick.

The intensive therapy is a revelation to most and can give you an invaluable insight into addiction and what you need to do in order to overcome it.

6. You will not be judged in rehab.

Rehab is a place where sick people go to convalesce and recover from addiction. Many of the staff have recovered from addiction themselves, and now trained and qualified, can combine their knowledge and experience to help you to recover.

8. Rehab gives hope and inspiration to the hopeless and uninspired.

Rehab is a positive environment that will encourage you and support you to flourish in your recovery.

9. Rehab can help to rebuild family and relationships.

Many rehabs offer family intervention meetings, where the family is welcomed to attend the rehab and work with the individual and a qualified counsellor on how to move relations forward in a more positive and non-destructive way.

10. You will be able to benefit from group therapy.

Many individuals recoil at the idea of group therapy and the purpose of group therapy is often misunderstood and underestimated. There is something indefinably powerful about having the support and feed back of your peers, and as to what you can learn from their experiences. The process of learning to give also starts in groups, where your support and advice will also be valuable to others that are struggling.

Addiction Helper has details of many different rehabs around the world, varying in cost and treatment methods, so please call our helpline number today to find out more on 08004488688 or 2031511488 and speak to one of our admission team members.